From June 18 to 21, b<>com is attending the EuCNC’2019 (28th edition) event. This famous technical and scientific conference, which is sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society and the European Association for Signal Processing, is supported by the European Commission and focuses on communication networks. This year, the conference takes place in Valencia (Spain) and is collocated with the 7th 5G Global Event.
b<>com will take part in the conference with one paper on 5G slicing (entitled “Defining a Communication Service Management Function for 5G Network Slices”, by Luis Suarez) and will be present on the booths of 5 European projects:
- H2020 One5G, which focuses on PHY layers and Proof of concept implementation where b<>com contributes with 5G NR IPs on b<>com HW prototypes
- H2020 NGPaaS, which focuses on 5G Platform-as-a-Service, where b<>com contributes to CI/CD up to ePC-as-a-Service, FPGA-as-a-Service
- H2020 5G Transformer, which focuses on 5G new building blocks like service orchestrator, slicer, mobile & transport platform, where b<>com contributes with ETSI and 3GPP compliant « slice » architecture and implementation
- H2020 5GinFire, which focuses on 5G ready testbed compliant with ETSI NFV reference model, where b<>com contributes with VNF/PNF (pre-5G Mobile Edge private connectivity enabler) integrated with OSM for deployment and orchestration
- H2020 5G-EVE, which aims at providing on 5G pilots for vertical domains in Europe, where b<>com contributes to French testbed setup and operation
With its strong involvement in the EuCNC and 5G Global Event, b<>com demonstrates a wide range of skills in wireless networks, from physical layers to cloud network functions and from DevOps method to pilot deployment and operation. More specifically, b<>com will drive three live demos, showing its know-how and expertizes in advanced connectivity fields.
On One5G booth, the demo performed by b<>com consists in running concurrently two different services by performing spectrum aggregation:
- First service: Machine Type Communication (MTC) for underserved areas context, with a NB-IoT implementation based on OpenAirInterface
- Second service: enhanced Mobile BroadBand (eMBB) for megacities context, with a spectrum bandwidth over 100 MHz and videos OFDM transmission
This demo is built on a hardware platform developed by b<>com, a powerful SDR solution for extreme wideband applications, and a Forward Error Correction (FEC) solution also developed by b<>com, the b<>com *Wireless Library* [LDPC FEC].
On NGPaaS booth, b<>com will demonstrate 5G services on-demand deployment. Inspired by IT DevOps model, NGPaaS Dev-for-Operations model includes Continuous Integration pipelines to validate the components themselves in a multiple vendors’ context as well as their integration in an end-to-end 5G service. Finally, the deployment is based on a telco-grade well-known container orchestrator, Kubernetes and a pre-5G core solution provided by b<>com, based on b<>com *Dome* with an early Service Based Architecture and micro-services implementation. The target is here to get the 5G services ready within 90 seconds.
5G-TRANSFORMER demonstrates on its booth a series of 5G use cases and, importantly, the innovative components and concepts (such as vertical slicer, network slicing, service orchestration, infrastructure abstractions, etc.) designed and developed within the project. More specifically, b<>com is involved in the MNO (Mobile Network Operator) use case with the following demo:
- MNO requests the instantiation of a specific mobile network for three services (URLLC, eMBB, mMTC)
- End-to-End network slices are set up and core network services are remotely instantiated on a 5G pilot infrastructure (b<>com *xG Testbed* services, infrastructure operated by b<>com in the scope of 5G EVE French node), connected to on-site radio access networks (cellular and non-cellular)
- Dynamicity of the deployment is showcased and isolation between the three network slices (eMBB, URLLC, mMTC) is demonstrated