On June 18-21, b<>com will participate in the next Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS) congress in Rennes Conference Center, one of the most important forums for innovation in healthcare technology.
b<>com’s team will demonstrate innovative technical components for operating room environment on the exhibition area:
- b<>com [DICOM-RTV Converter] is a suite of software modules used to synchronize multiple sources of videos and metadata in real-time. In close collaboration with the IRCAD institute, the demo will show how to ease the guidance of a needle through an augmented reality application. [DICOM-RTV Converter] manages the encoding and the decoding of the video streams, the transport of medical metadata in compliance with the new DICOM-RTV standard.
- b<>com [3D Localization] is a novel real-time 3D tracking technology using RGB-D cameras to perform marker-less 3D object real-time tracking. b<>com will demonstrate how it can be used for augmented reality application in orthopedic surgery.
- b<>com *Surgery Workflow Toolbox* [Annotate] is a surgical workflow editor tool and analytics tool. It makes it possible to create surgical process models by annotating surgical videos and signals (vital signs, robotics). More info and video
Furthermore, Gurvan Lecuyer, Researcher at b<>com, will present his paper “Assisted Annotation of Surgical Videos Using Deep Learning”, on Wednesday 20 at 9:15.
b<>com, IRCAD, and IHU work together in the CONDOR project.
b<>com [3D Localization] was developed as a part of the FollowKnee project
More info about CARS here