b<>com *xG Testbed* services
b<>com *xG Testbed* services offer you a multi-tenant environment dedicated to technical experimentation from early integration up to field trials. The testbed is operated according to a standard Infrastructure / IaaS / PaaS architecture. It relies on b<>com in-house infrastructure, including a private cloud, indoor and outdoor radio access networks. You will have access to 4G LTE and 5G authorized by Arcep, WiFi on 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, IoT LoRa in the 868MHz ISM band.
- Up-and-running wireless End-to-End environment
- “A la carte” experimentation hosting
- Secure access sharing with multi-tenant capacity
- Neutral environment operated by b<>com
- Infrastructure-as-a-Service:
Support for multiple instances of mobile networks. Autonomous instances with an SDN/NFV architecture aligned with ETSI and 3GPP recommendations.
Quality & Assurance tools for Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment.
- Platform-as-a-Service:
Wireless Access-as-a-service: orchestration tools allowing for the instantiation, deployment, chaining and management of VNFs in various environments.
Testing-as-a-service: extensive, adaptive, objective and independent range of testing services with training and advice from b<>com experts to meet market and security requirements.

Our service offering provides an ideal environment for experimental 5G projects because, in addition to being highly secure, it enables the user to use only whichever features it needs and to easily incorporate its own bricks.
Telco operators & manufacturers for integration and interoperability testing.
Virtual Network Functions developers.
Physical Network Functions suppliers.
Security Enablers developers.
5G including IoT and security research community.