On June 23, b<>com virtually opened the doors to its research campus for the first time. For 75 minutes, we revealed our latest technologies during a live phygital event dedicated to innovation.
You missed the first edition of /reveal/? Don't worry, check out the program below and watch the replay. And of course, we'll keep you posted for the next edition of /reveal/ coming in November!
> Part 1: Do you really need this private 5G network?
Let’s build xG together!
A short conversation with Bertrand Guilbaud, CEO, b<>com
Why private networks matter for the industry: The Airbus case with Marc Kientzy, Strategic Program Development, Airbus Defence & Space
From 4G to xG: The expert interview
With Mathieu Lagrange, Networks & Security director, b<>com
The private & secure connectivity bubble demo: Introducing b<>com *Dome*, the ‘5G and beyond’ private networks solution
Wendy Ooms, product owner, Networks & Security
> Part 2: When Cybersecurity is vital!
Latest cyber trends: the expert interview
With Gaëtan Le Guelvouit, Trust & Security Lab manager
The “Cyber Tech meets Healthcare” demo: Introducing b<>com *Serenity*, the multi-factor authentication transparent technology for hospitals
- Carole Le Goff, Health industry referent
- Gaëtan Le Guelvouit, Trust & Security Lab manager
> Part 3: Broadcast family, welcome to a brave new world
Production, distribution, viewer experience: Hot tech for hot trends?
An open discussion with
- Stéphane Cloirec, Vice President, Product Management, Video Appliances, Harmonic
- Peter Schut, SVP Media Infrastructure, EVS Broadcast Equipment
- Ludovic Noblet, Hypermedia and IP licensing director, b<>com
The ‘premium and easy HDR’ demo: Introducing b<>com *Sublima*, a premium adaptive HDR multi-conversion solution.
Tania Pouli, Advanced Media Content, Deputy Lab Manager