Interview reveal Mathieu Lagrange 5G
Demonstration of game-changing technologies, insights from international experts, and industry testimonials… We virtually opened our doors for the first time for /reveal/, a “techno + insights” phygital event.

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Let’s build xG together!

A short conversation with Bertrand Guilbaud, CEO, b<>com

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From 4G to xG: The expert interview with Mathieu Lagrange, Networks & Security director, b<>com

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Missed the event? Here is a glimpse!

The word of the cybersecurity expert

In terms of accessibility, what are your mains challenges?

First of all, we have to keep in mind that 5G is really complex, it’s made of several sub systems that have radically evolved since the previous network generations. There is this new access network or this new core network component, those security component as well. And this new container as a service platform that is used to instanciate the different components.

In terms of boosting accessibility, I think one of the main challenges is to get a good alignment of all the engineering teams that are involved in the development of those sub components on the same cloud native principles. So that the whole entirety of the solution can deliver the associated expected benefits. I mean the native resiliency and the improved the scalability of the solution.

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