"Interning at b<>com is a real professional springboard", an interview with Delphine Monier, HR manager

From virtual reality to cloud computing to spatialized audio, b<>com now offers a dozen internships and work-study programs on promising subjects. Delphine Monier, HR Manager at b<>com, tells us more about these opportunities.

What types of profiles is b<>com looking for?

We mainly offer 6-month internships and are looking for interns in their final year of university studies or engineering school. Half of the time, the students recruited are interested in pursuing a thesis. To them, the internship period is a chance for both the student and company to learn about one another and decide whether the relationship could work for the three years of thesis preparation. We are also looking for people with a strong ability to adapt and who know how to manage themselves in their work. As diversity is an important value for b<>com, young women, who remain a small minority in the field of research, are particularly welcome!

b<>com is expanding its use of apprenticeships. What is the cause of this phenomenon?

b<>com wants to add more apprentices and work-study students for two reasons. One, b<>com, as an institute of research and technology, takes it as a mission to help train the engineers of tomorrow, and work study is an excellent way to immerse the student in a professional setting. Two, work study is an opportunity for b<>com to add students with fresh ideas to its teams, where they can put the knowledge they gained in their education into practice. Our recent work-study experiences have had very positive outcomes, so we hope to continue the dynamic and recruit new employees this way.

What benefits do you cite when persuading interns to join b<>com ?

b<>com is a place of scientific excellence that offers internships in tomorrow's fields of study. Unlike a traditional company, interns work within a project team with researchers and engineers from both academia and industry, and from businesses great and small. Bringing all of these backgrounds together in one place encourages interactions and skill development in various fields. b<>com is a real springboard for professional life. Here, future graduates can grow their professional network, apply their knowledge, and possible get their first job at b<>com or one of its partners. b<>com is also a young, multicultural company (the average age is 34, and 14 nationalities are represented) with a dynamic, enthusiastic feel. Joining b<>com also means getting particularly enjoyable working conditions. The campus, inaugurated in 2015, has the latest technological equipment, smart open spaces, and innovative places to work and relax.