Huge Group Calls for Temporary Pause on AI More Advanced Than GPT-4 by
An open letter, signed by over 1,100 artificial intelligence experts, CEOs, and researchers — including SpaceX CEO Elon Musk — is calling for a six-month moratorium on "AI experiments" that take the technology beyond a point where it's more powerful than OpenAI's recently released GPT-4 large language model. Read more

Physicists Say There May Be Entire Planets Made of Dark Matter by
A new planetary theory just dropped — and reader, it gets kind of dark. In a not-yet-peer-reviewed paper, physicists led by University of Wisconsin-Madison theoretical physicist Yang Bai declared that our current mode of exoplanet detection may in the future help Earth-bound astronomers detect entire worlds out there made of the mysterious substance scientists refer to as dark matter. Read more

Levi’s will test AI-generated clothing models to ‘increase diversity’ by
The denim brand claims the tech will be used to ‘supplement human models’ rather than completely replace them. Read more

Meatball from long-extinct mammoth created by food firm by
A mammoth meatball has been created by a cultivated meat company, resurrecting the flesh of the long-extinct animals. Read more

International Cybersecurity Forum (FIC)
From April 5 to 7, we look forward to seeing you in Lille for the International Cybersecurity Forum (FIC)! Learn more
Come and meet b<>com’s experts at the Brittany pavilion, stand F23, and find out about b<>com *Tag*, our digital video watermarking solution in two new use cases. Read more