What are the news ? A liver 3D printed in seconds, a car designed by an algorithm, a motorcycle powered by salt water, air-purifying headphones and an app that corrects mistranslated tattoos...
Utrecht researchers volumetrically 3D print functional liver tissue units by 3dprintingmedia.network
A team from Utrecht University, working on novel 3D bioprinting technologies just published a new study on volumetric bioprinting of large-scale, functional liver units. Read more

This futuristic car was almost entirely designed by computer algorithms by yankodesign.com
Automotive designer Ayoub Ahmad created the HV-001 by defining a set of conditions and allowing 3D algorithms to create an organic-looking automobile to fulfill those conditions. Read more

Argentinian student invents salt water-powered motorbike by topspeed.com
The drive towards electric power for cars and motorcycles is throwing up many ingenious solutions but perhaps this Argentinian student has hit on the best one yet. Read more

Dyson’s bizarre new headphones have a built-in air purifier by theverge.com
Dyson is getting into headphones in the most Dyson way possible: The Zone, a pair of noise-canceling Bluetooth headphones with air purification technology built in. Read more

Duolingo exposes embarrassing foreign tattoos by translating, then fixing them by designtaxi.com
Have no ragrets about the tattoo you had done at the neighborhood parlor during one of your travels? Duolingo may have bad news for you. Read more