Accelerate and automate the deployment of my interoperable digital infrastructure

#5G #EdgeComputing #Cloud #Virtualization #DICOM
products & services
b-com RAN Industry b<>com industrial RAN

Cybersecure management of remote and autonomous industrial sites

private 5G networks dome b<>com Dome

<antifragile private 5G>

formation 5G b<>com *Training* services

To support you in your digital transformation and the deployment of wireless technologies

Flexible Netlab - teaser produit - bcom b<>com *xG Testbed* services

Experience a full-scale 5G/IoT journey

Wireless Family - teaser produit - bcom Wireless family

A family of software radio products for developing your own transmitting/receiving channel

Dicom Family - teaser produit - bcom DICOM family

Interoperability, anonymization, and standardization

Spare Cloud Allocator - teaser produit - bcom b<>com Spare Cloud Allocator

A smart and private collaborative solution to get the best of unused IT resources.

Connectivité RAN
[Connectivity] End-to-end RAN control for a flexible, industrializable solution
The wide-ranging expertise of b<>com's researchers and members enables us to master the entire RAN[...]
Health and private 5G: an ephemeral resuscitation service operational in just 24 hours!
b<>com continues its collaboration with Rennes University Hospital, exploiting the potential of its[...]
[Industrial 5G] b<>com, supplier of Acome's private 5G core network
The *Dome* private 5G network core developed by b<>com has been chosen by industrial company Acome,[...]
private 5G industries
[Industrial 5G] Optimization, security, training... The many use cases of 5G in industry
The various qualities of industrial 5G meet many challenges, intrinsic or otherwise, in the[...]
b-com at Hellfest 2023
[Hellfest 2023] Private 5G at Hellfest!
In partnership with b<>com and Orange Grand Ouest, Hellfest Production, organizer of the Hellfest[...]
industrial private 5G
[industrial 5G] Private 5G network VS public 5G network
Equipping an industrial company with a private 5G network offers several advantages for improving[...]