Mysterious antimatter observed falling down for first time by
For the first time, scientists have observed antimatter particles -- the mysterious twins of the visible matter all around us -- falling downwards due to the effect of gravity, Europe's physics lab CERN announced on Wednesday. Read more


Creative content
Artistic revolution: Kuala Lumpur’s mind-bending art odyssey by
Get ready for an artistic adventure like no other. RXP.KL, the revolutionary immersive digital art gallery, is poised to sweep through the cultural heart of downtown Kuala Lumpur. Housed in the storied space of the former REX Cinema, RXP.KL is gearing up to revolutionise the very soul of artistry and creativity. Read more

Feeding the World: Earthworms Contribute to 6.5% of Global Grain Production by
Earthworms are important drivers of global food production, contributing to approximately 6.5% of grain yield and 2.3% of legumes produced worldwide each year, according to new work published today (September 26) by Colorado State University scientists in the journal Nature Communications. Read more