Digital content and copyright protection: b<>com takes a stand on the European level

In an age when everything is connected, new challenges are emerging, in fields like cybersecurity, personal data protection and copyright. On these subjects, b<>com is taking a stand on the European level by participating in the ARDITO project wich promises to automate the exchanging of information regarding any type of digital content between owners and users.

Challenge of our times: we are facing exponential growth in digital content (video games, image banks, ebooks, music platforms, video-on-demand services). These massive flows and volumes of data are revolutionizing both network management (architecture, interoperability) and content storage, processing, and distribution techniques (video compression, cloudification). Meanwhile, questions about cybersecurity, personal data protection, and copyright increasingly arise.

As an expert on these subjects, b<>com is taking part to the European project ARDITO (Access to Rights Data via Identification Technologies Optimisation), started in January 2017 and coordinated by mEDRA, an Italian company on the cutting edge of digital rights recording. The goal of the ARDITO project is to automate the exchanging of information regarding any type of digital content between owners and users, especially for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which represent 85% of the creative sector.

Its implementation requires the formation of a network of data linked together by an information sorting center, the Rights Data Network. From the user’s perspective, it manifests as a tool that, with one click, displays a pop-up with the desired information. Within the consortium, b<>com takes part in creating identification techniques for video and photographs, in order to create a link between a piece of content and its conditions of use. The identification is ensured by a watermarking technology based on a “Digital Object Identifier” and the deployment of an exclusive cloud version of the b<>com *Ultra Marker* solution developed by the team of Digital Trust and Identity Lab, managed by Gaetan Le Guelvouit.

ARDITO, through the development of appropriate technical solutions, aims to provide tools and services that make the lives of SMEs in the creative industry. This makes business models more fluid, by accentuating the monetization and reuse of digital content.

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