Gaëtan Le Guelvouit
Trust & Security lab Manager

- Career
After an engineer degree in Computer Science from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA Rennes, France) in 2000, Gaëtan joined the INRIA to do a Ph.D. about multimedia watermarking, defended in 2003. Then, he worked at CentraleSupélec Paris and after as a security consultant at Capgemini, where he developed the content protection activity. Since 2006, he has worked at Orange Labs as a research engineer and contributed on content protection for IPTV. He was distinguished as Senior Security Expert.
His main research interest is multimedia security, which involves skills in signal processing, information security, authentication, watermarking, etc.
- At b<>com
In 2013, he joins b<>com as Manager of the Trust & Security lab where he works on designing and improving tools to fight digital fraud.