b<>com announces the launch of Green Hill Studio, a company that develops virtual reality experiences, and the first spin-off from a b<>com R&D project.
Created by Thomas Boggini, who has to this point been the Head of the Immersive Interactions laboratory, Green Hill Studio is poised to go after the away-from-home entertainment market (recreation centers, amusement parks, arcades, escape games, casinos, etc.) with collaborative virtual reality experiences. Green Hill Studio is a business project derived from the results of a b<>com R&D project in the field of virtual reality.
b<>com is providing both human and financial resources to assist with the opening of Green Hill Studio. With this launch, b<>com is demonstrating its ability to bring its solutions to the market, the flexibility of its business model (technology transfers, POC sales, licensing, etc.) and the richness of its projects that offer the opportunity to reveal entrepreneurs.
"With this spin-off, b<>com is transferring a fine practical innovation to one of its employees. And one of our members is this new company's first client. A virtuous cycle that we can be proud of. This is yet more concrete proof of our organizational and economic model's viability. Enabling Green Hill Studio to become a reality is a source of satisfaction, and we wish Thomas and his team all the success that they deserve!" explains Bertrand Guilbaud, CEO of the Technology Research Institute b<>com.