Artificial intelligence

The progress of statistical learning over the last decade has fueled the wildest anticipations of the machine's ability to revolutionize every facet of industry.

Labo bcom - intelligence artificielle
© Fred Pieau
Artificial intelligence techniques can be applied indifferently to masses of data converging on a computing center or to data captured and processed by a smartphone. However, they are now entering a phase of domestication that raises technological, legal, and ethical questions, with a view to proposing responsible approaches to AI.

Our artificial intelligence experts design solutions to meet the challenges faced by manufacturers, from optimizing their production processes to optimizing their logistics. b<>com is finely tuned to the businesses of its industrial members, enabling them to make the most of the benefits of AI.

The main challenges addressed are the design of radio communication applications, data collection for AI machine training, anomaly detection and classification, system resilience, and human factors analysis. To achieve this, they draw on the traditional disciplines of automatic natural language processing, signal and image processing, 3D vision, and dynamic programming, whose potential is multiplied by statistical learning.

They can also count on skills in hardware and software engineering and a legal department. Its methodological approach makes its algorithms both explainable and robust.

Stéphane Paquelet - bcom
© Fred Pieau

Stéphane Paquelet

in charge of Artificial intelligence strategy

Thanks to current learning techniques, we automate tasks as varied as interpreting text, mapping space, generating realistic images, predicting behavior, or planning actions.
products & services
Boost AI - Teaser produit - bcom b<>com *AI Coaching* services

Developing my competitiveness thanks to artificial intelligence


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