European projects
H2020 Project

The Hexa-X project aims to connect the physical, digital, and human worlds, firmly anchored in future wireless technology and architectural research. Wireless technologies are critical for society and the economy today, and their importance will continue to steadily increase with 5G and its evolution, enabling new ecosystems and services.
Within the project, b<>com will focus on cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence with a global vision developed for E2E architecture. More specifically, b<>com will contribute to intra and inter-slice security, on AI and Anomaly Detection and AI and Massive MIMO.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101015956.
Partners : Nokia, Aalto, Atos, CEA, Chalmers, Intel, Nextworks, Orange, Poli Turin, Qamcom, Siemens, Sztaki, TIM, TID, TU Kaiserslautern, TU Dresden, UC3M, Uni Pisa, Uni Oulu, and Wings.
Project duration : 2021, January - 2023, June
More information : https://hexa-x.eu/