Hervé Folliot
Training advisory board
INSA Rennes Dean of Research

Hervé FOLLIOT graduated from INSA Rennes in Physical Engineering and from the University of Rennes 1 with a MSc (DEA) in Physics and Optoelectronics in 1995. After a year as contingent scientist at the CFAT (Army Training Center) of Bourges (department of optics), he carried out a PhD thesis at the INSA Rennes in collaboration with FT CNET – Lannion, on the subject of optical beam steering based on Stark effect in quantum wells. He then joined in 2000 John Hegarty's optoelectronics group at Trinity College Dublin as a post-doctoral fellow for 16 months.
He was recruited as a lecturer at the INSA Rennes in 2001 and obtained his HDR in 2007 at the University of Rennes 1. He was appointed full Professor in 2008, and he became Deputy Director of the SDLM Doctoral School (2010-2017). He was appointed UBL project manager as School (representative of engineering schools) to set up the UBL doctoral schools from 2014 to 2016. He was appointed director of research at INSA Rennes in 2014 and he is director of the civil and mechanical engineering platform (PFT GCM) since 2015.