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[b<>com *Sublima* x Intel]: HDR conversions at IBC 2023
b<>com *Sublima* offers the advantage of a real-time, frame-by-frame adaptive HDR conversion technique.
No other HDR Converter can do this
b<>com *Sublima* offers the advantage of a real-time, frame-by-frame adaptive HDR conversion technique.
Based on an intelligent algorithm, this product guarantees optimum conversion whatever the video content. Conversion requires no manual settings or input metadata. The solution guarantees roundtrip HDR-SDR-HDR or SDR-HDR-SDR conversion without any loss of visual quality.
This multi-award-winning converter is already integrated in several professional broadcast products.
Intel x Apantac x b<>com
For IBC 2023, the magic of *Sublima* can be seen in a private demonstration at Intel and on Apantac's openGear-HDR-UDX product integrating an Intel FPGA.
Download the b<>com *Sublima* x Intel technical sheet to find out more!
Download the technical sheet