European projects
H2020 Project

In the 5G-TOURS project, a panel of actors predicts the future uses of 5G networks. 5G-TOURS’ vision is to improve city life for citizens and tourists.
- more attractive to visit: the visitors of museums and outdoor attractions are provided with 5G-based applications to enhance their experience while visiting the city. This includes VR/AR applications to complement the physical visit with additional content, involving interactive tactile communications. Visitor experience is also enhanced with robot-assisted services, telepresence to allow for remote visits, and live events enabled by mobile communications such as multi-party concerts.
- smarter and more efficient mobility: Mobility to reach and move inside the city is made more efficient and comfortable. This means smarter cities that gather information about themselves and use it to improve navigation systems and parking. Traveling is also made more enjoyable, providing AR/VR services to passengers, and airports become logistically more efficient by relying on 5G for their operation.
- safer for all: 5G technology greatly improves the safety in the city by providing means to better assist health-related care in all the phases of an incident, ranging from the health monitoring for prevention and early detection, to diagnosis and intervention at the ambulance, to surgery at the wireless operating room in the hospital.
Within 5G-TOURS, b <> com provides the key components of the 5G network from the 5G-EVE project and is providing the use case of the flexible surgical operating room of the future, based on wireless communication.
Partners: Ericsson (Italia), Samsung (United-Kingdom), Telecom Italia (Italia), Orange (France), Hellenic Telecommunications (Greece), Nokia (France), Philips (Netherlands, France), RAI (Italia), Athens Airport (Greece), Comune di Torino (Italia), CHU de Rennes (France), Ecole Ellinogermaniki Agogi (Greece), Centre Meleton Asfaleias (Greece), Atos (Spain), Wings (Greece), Expway (France), Real Wireless (United-Kingdom), AMA (France), Sequans (France), Liveu (Israel), Acta (Greece), b<>com (France), Université Carlos III de Madrid (Spain), Université Politecnica de Valencia (Spain), IIT (Italia).
Period: 2019-2021
More info: http://5gtours.eu/