b<>com *Training* services
In order to accompany enterprises engaged in their digital transformation and the deployment of wireless technologies, b<>com offers high-level technological training services, Qualiopi certified. The b<>com *Training* services are intended for an audience of engineers, technicians, or specialists who already have a good knowledge of mathematics and techniques. Recognized experts provide various training courses with genuine experience in the subjects covered.
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The b<>com *Training* services are only available in French.

[Introduction to artificial intelligence]
For a few years now, artificial intelligence has occupied a central place in the majority of technological fields. It has allowed to lift a lot of technical barriers that remained unsolved for a long time.
The success of modern AI is mainly linked to the combination of three fundamental elements: Computing power, learning data and new learning paradigms such as deep learning.

[Generative AI]
After the dazzling success of discriminative AI, it's now the turn of generative AI to shake up the scientific community in particular, and society in general, with its breathtaking results.
Technically, this branch of AI consists of implicitly and efficiently approximating extremely complex data distributions, enabling, for example, the super-realistic generation of content (image, video, speech, music, text, etc.). This course will give a general presentation of the new generative AI techniques: GAN, Transformer and Stable Diffusion, each time explaining the basic paradigm. It will then focus on GANs and present certain technical details in depth.

[Anatomy of transformer neural newtorks]
The fields of generative AI and transfer learning have experienced remarkable advancements in recent years especially in the domain of natural language processing (NLP). Transformers have been at the heart of these advancements where the cutting-edge transformer-based Language Models (LMs) have enabled new state-of-the-art results in a wide spectrum of applications.
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[RandomForest for computer vision]
Random Forest is a Machine Learning algorithm introduced by Leo Breiman in 2001. This algorithm is said to be ensemble-based, as it builds its decision from a set of unitary decision trees. These decision trees are trained in a completely independent way to minimize the correlation between them.
Thanks to this property, this algorithm has obtained remarkable results in Computer Vision, such as its use in the Microsoft Kinect.

[Psychological and physiological acceptability of immersive worlds]
Immersive technologies, such as Virtual and Mixed Reality, have reached maturity and offer innovative applications in training, collaboration, design, marketing or cultural experiences. In this context, the acceptability by the end-users is a strong stake for the organizations wishing to take advantage of these possibilities and wishing to ensure the comfort of use and the prevention of the risks of uses.

[Bio-sensor-based behavioral analysis]
The estimation of user experience based on physiological data has many advantages over conventional methods such as questionnaires. For example, these advantages are a low interference with the task or a precise temporal resolution of the collected data allowing to better follow the evolution of the user’s experience. The adoption of these sensors requires, especially in the case of field studies, a specific methodology to ensure the exploitability of the collected data.

By offloading computer vision calculations to the edge or to the cloud, new AR Cloud technologies offer the ability to provide shared augmented reality services anywhere, anytime, and for any augmented reality device. Thus, AR Cloud is expected to become a key element of the upcoming digital transformation addressing a wide range of markets, from industry or construction 4.0 to consumer uses.

[Foresight and Digital Responsibility]
Foresight allows to enlighten strategic decisions in the light of possible futures. This course focuses on the notion of responsible digital technology, as a reference for actions and continuous improvement processes capable of questioning the social/societal, economic and environmental footprint of digital technology. Through methodologies inherent to design fiction, foresight and UX design, it will be necessary to define and build the major technological contours associated with the environmental and societal issues of tomorrow in order to promote the advent of a more responsible digital technology.

[Digital Holography]
Holography is often considered as the most promising 3D visualization technology, since it creates the most natural and realistic depth illusion. Indeed, this technology provides all the depth perception cues of the human visual system and does not create eye-strain. Thanks to recent advances in computers, digital holography could find application in the fields of augmented reality and virtual reality in the next five to ten years.

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