Technologies Facteurs Humains

Assistants intelligents, voitures autonomes, interfaces cognitives, aide à la décision automatisée…les nouveaux enjeux technologiques nous amènent à repenser en profondeur la relation entre l’humain et la machine.

Labo bcom - technologies facteurs humains
© Fred Pieau
Pour permettre une réelle coopération homme-machine, le laboratoire Technologies Facteurs Humains analyse et anticipe les comportements humains afin de concevoir des environnements intelligents à la fois efficaces, intuitifs et adaptés.

Dans cette optique, il crée des solutions fondées sur son expertise en psychophysiologie, sciences cognitives et design d’interactions. Grâce aux meilleures méthodes d’analyses et de simulations, il développe des technologies d’interactions centrées utilisateurs et de mesures comportementales objectives, pour accompagner la transformation digitale du monde industriel et l’expérience nouvelle de ses clients.

Guillaume Jegou - bcom

Guillaume Jegou

Responsable du labo Technologies Facteurs Humains

A la croisée des Sciences Cognitives et des Facteurs Humains, nous définissons les innovations qui placent l’humain, à la fois comme sujet et finalité de la recherche technologique.
produits et services
interaction design for systems b<>com Ngagement

Une nouvelle génération d’outils XR, conçus pour minimiser les risques et optimiser la performance humaine de vos systèmes complexes.

publications scientifiques


A review of Virtual Assistants' characteristics: recommendations for designing an optimal human-machine cooperation

Abstract Designed to improve human-machine interactions, virtual agents, and particularly virtual assistants (VAs), are spreading in our daily lives. Presenting a very wide variety of characteristics, studies generally report their own agent with its own characteristics and objective. So we can wonder if some of these characteristics are a consensus for VAs in general. Within this work, we aim to…

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Acceptability and 5G in the Medical Field: The Impact of the Level of Information

The issues around 5G are considerable: sovereignty, smart city, industry 4.0, energy, connected healthcare. However, 5G is currently raising many questions from the general public and professionals. To better understand these questions related to acceptability, a quantitative experimental study was conducted with 81 healthcare professionals, via an online questionnaire. The objective is to…

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Towards Real-Time Recognition of Users' Mental Workload Using Integrated Physiological Sensors Into a VR HMD

This paper describes an &quot;all-in-one&quot; solution for the real-time recognition of users' mental workloads in virtual reality through the cus-tomization of a commercial HMD with physiological sensors. First, we describe the hardware and software solution employed to build the system. Second, we detail the machine learning methods used for the automatic recognition of the users' mental…

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Do Distant or Colocated Audiences Affect User Activity in VR?

We explore the impact of distant or colocated real audiences on social inhibition through a user study in virtual reality (VR). The study investigates, in an application, the differences among two multi-user configurations (i.e., the local and distant conditions) and one control condition where the user is alone (i.e., the alone condition). In the local condition, a single user and a real…

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