Immersive & Medical Technologies

Augmented reality is upending many industrial sectors by offering a new way to perceive the environment.

Labo bcom - technologies immersives
© Fred Pieau
Healthcare applications are one promising example.

With its expertise in computer vision, pose estimation, and 3D visualization, the Immersive & Medical Technologies lab designs components and platforms to augment the experiences of professionals and strengthen their effectiveness, particularly through augmented reality and virtual reality, in fields like industry and health. Users are at the heart of its thinking and its work, from the definition of needs to the testing of developed technologies. In the field of health care, the lab works with its medical partners on key technologies like image processing and medical videos, connectivity, and interoperability.

products & services
Dicom Family - teaser produit - bcom DICOM family

Interoperability, anonymization, and standardization

Annotate - teaser produit - bcom b<>com Annotate

A surgical workflow editor and analytics tool

scientific publications


Can Synthetic Data Handle Unconstrained Gaze Estimation ?

In this article, we aim at solving unconstrained gaze estimation problem using appearance-based approach. Unlike previous methods working in relatively constrained environment , we propose an approach that allows free head motion and significant user-sensor distances using RGB-D sensor. Our paper presents the following contributions : (i) A direct estimation by inferring gaze information from RGB…

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Providing Plasticity and Redistribution for 3D User Interfaces using the D3PART Model

We propose D3PART (Dynamic 3D Plastic And Redistribuable Technology), a model to handle redistribution for 3D user interfaces. Redistribution consists in changing the components distribution of an interactive system across different dimensions such as platform, display and user. Our work is based on previous models for the creation of 3D plastic user interfaces, interactive systems that can…

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Real-time Target Tracking of Soft Tissues in 3D Ultrasound Images Based on Robust Visual Information and Mechanical Simulation

In this paper, we present a real-time approach that allows tracking deformable structures in 3D ultrasound sequences. Our method consists in obtaining the target displacements by combining robust dense motion estimation and mechanical model simulation. We perform evaluation of our method through simulated data, phantom data, and real-data. Results demonstrate that this novel approach has the…

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Unconstrained Gaze Estimation Using RGB-D Camera

In this work, we tackled the automatic gaze estimation problem in unconstrained user environments. By using RGB-D sensor, we aimed to exploit the multi-modal data to provide a sufficiently accurate and robust system. This work can be summarized through 3 principle axes: model, paradigm and data. In the first part of this thesis, we described in details Random Forest algorithm. Through our…

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